Aktuelle Publikationen 2021

Eine kennzeichnende Stärke des Fraunhofer IBP ist eine Vielzahl von Publikationen in unterschiedlichen Disziplinen. Das Wissen steht der Fachwelt, der Öffentlichkeit und allen Interessierten offen.

Publication Type
2021 Plastik-Index PLIX macht Verpackungen vergleichbar
Adel, F. van den; Scagnetti, C.; Lorenz, M.; Krieg, H.; Albrecht, S.
Journal Article
2021 Improving the accuracy of simplified urban canopy models for arid regions using site-specific prior information
Afshari, Afshin; Ramirez, Nicolas
Journal Article
2021 The conservation value of forests and tree plantations for beetle (Coleoptera) communities: A global meta-analysis
Albert, G.; Gallegos, S.C.; Greig, K.A.; Hanisch, M.; Fuente, D.L. de la; Föst, S.; Maier, S.D.; Sarathchandra, C.; Phillips, H.R.P.; Kambach, S.
Journal Article
2021 Cooperation of young researchers from science and industry - life cycle assessment in theory and practice
Albrecht, Stefan; Fischer, Matthias
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2021 Acústica de los órganos de tubulares y tendencias futuras en la investigación
Angster, Judit; Rucz, Péter; Miklos, András
Journal Article
2021 Tief durchatmen, trotz Corona
Bailer, Susanne M.; Grün, Gunnar; Gommel, Udo
Journal Article
2021 Storage LCA tool: A tool for the investigation of the environmental potential of innovative storage systems in buildings
Bari, Roberta di; Horn, Rafael
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2021 Erhaltung historischer Fenster - Varianten der Sanierung
Bichlmair, Stefan; Kilian, Ralf; Milch, Christine
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2021 Energetische Fenstersanierung im Altbau und Denkmal - Hygrothermische Aspekte am Kastenfenster
Bichlmair, Stefan; Krus, Martin; Milch, Christine
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2021 Zur farbmetrischen und nicht-visuellen Wirkung von Verglasungen auf das Tageslicht in Räumen
Boer, Jan de; Hammer, Renate
2021 Cabin air quality on non-smoking commercial flights: A review of published data on airborne pollutants
Chen, Ruiqing; Fang, Lei; Liu, Junjie; Herbig, Britta; Norrefeldt, Victor; Mayer, Florian; Fox, Richard; Wargocki, Pawel
Journal Article
2021 Analysis and Design of a Leading Edge with Morphing Capabilities for the Wing of a Regional Aircraft - Gapless Chord- and Camber-Increase for High-Lift Performance
Contell Asins, Conchin; Landersheim, Volker; Laveuve, Dominik; Adachi, Seiji; May, Michael; Wacker, Jens David; Decker, Julia
Journal Article
2021 The 10th International Conference on Life Cycle Management 2021 - Stuttgart, Germany, September 05-08, 2021
Fischer, M.; Barkmeyer, M.; Albrecht, S.; Braune, A.; Leistner, P.; Seifert, R.; Kreissig, J.
Journal Article
2021 Sustainability screening in the context of advanced material development for printed electronics
Gehring, Florian; Prenzel, Tobias Manuel; Graf, Roberta; Albrecht, Stefan
Journal Article
2021 Environmental impacts of renewable insulation materials
Geß, Andreas; Lorenz, Manuel; Tolsdorf, Anna; Albrecht, S.
Journal Article
2021 Microbial life on Façades
Hofbauer, Wolfgang; Gärtner, Georg
2021 Photocatalytic lime render for indoor and outdoor air quality improvement
Ibáñez Gómez, José Antonio; Giampiccolo, Andrea; Tobaldi, David Maria; Mair, Sabine; Silva, Carla Forbela da; Barrasa, Aurora Maria Casado; Maskell, Daniel; Ansell, Martin Philip; Kurchania, Rajnish; Mayer, Florian; Labrincha, Joao Antonio; Miguel, Yolanda R. de; Ball, Richard James
Journal Article
2021 Method for the climate-independent determination of the solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC; g-value) of transparent façade and membrane constructions from in situ measurements
Kersken, Matthias
Journal Article
2021 Innovative development of programmable phase change materials and their exemplary application
Lengsfeld, Kristin; Walter, Moritz; Krus, Martin; Pappert, Sandra; Teicht, Christian
Journal Article
2021 Umweltpotenziale der Sanierung historischer Fenster
Lenz, Katrin; Jorgji, Olivia
Journal Article
2021 Moving beyond land use intensity types: Assessing biodiversity impacts using fuzzy thinking
Lindner, Jan Paul; Eberle, Ulrike; Knüpffer, Eva; Coelho, Carla
Journal Article
2021 Methodik für Biodiversitätsbewertungen in globalen Wertschöpfungsketten zur Integration in der Ökobilanz
Maier, Stephanie
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2021 Modellbasierte Berechnung des aerosolgebundenen Infektionsrisikos in Klassenräumen, Großraumbüros, Hörsälen und Sporthallen bei unterschiedlichen Nutzungssituationen
Müller, Dirk; Trukenmüller, Alfred; Scherer, Christian; Tappler, Peter; Moriske, Heinz-Jörn; Salthammer, Tunga; Schweiker, Marcel
Journal Article
2021 The dilemma of balancing design for impact sound with environmental performance in wood ceiling systems - A building physics perspective
Müller, Theresa; Borschewski, David Sven; Albrecht, Stefan; Leistner, Philip; Späh, Moritz
Journal Article
2021 Bauphysikalische und ökologische Potenziale von Gebäuden in Holzbauweise
Müller, Theresa; Flemming, Daniela; Janowsky, Isabel; Bari, Roberta di; Harder, Nadine; Leistner, Philip
Journal Article
2021 Effect of Increased Cabin Recirculation Airflow Fraction on Relative Humidity, CO2 and TVOC
Norrefeldt, Victor; Mayer, Florian; Herbig, Britta; Ströhlein, Ria; Wargocki, Pawel; Fang, Lei
Journal Article
2021 Investigation of the Impact of a Particle Foam Insulation on Airflow, Temperature Distribution, Pressure Profile and Frost Buildup on the Aircraft Structure
Norrefeldt, Victor; Riedl, Gerhard
Journal Article
2021 A Method for Establishing a Hygrothermally Controlled Test Room for Measuring the Water Vapor Resistivity Characteristics of Construction Materials
Olaoye, Toba Samuel; Dewsbury, Mark; Künzel, Hartwig
Journal Article
2021 Empirical investigation of the hygrothermal diffusion properties of permeable building membranes subjected to variable relative humidity condition
Olaoye, Toba Samuel; Dewsbury, Mark; Künzel, Hartwig
Journal Article
2021 Laboratory Measurement and Boundary Conditions for the Water Vapour Resistivity Properties of Typical Australian Impermeable and Smart Pliable Membranes
Olaoye, Toba Samuel; Dewsbury, Mark; Künzel, Hartwig
Journal Article
2021 Objective climate comfort evaluation in vehicles using Dressman 3.2
Park, Sumee; Visser, Michael; Stratbücker, Sebastian; Norrefeldt, Victor
Journal Article
2021 Validation of a simulation tool for an environmentally friendly aircraft cargo fire protection system
Pathak, Arnav; Norrefeldt, Victor; Pschirer, Marie
Journal Article
2021 Potenzialanalyse des Einsatzes bestehender Heizsysteme zur Raumkühlung
Pazold, Matthias; Giglmeier, Sabine; Winkler, Matthias; Peng, Zhenming
Journal Article
2021 Les installations de chauffage existantes conviennent-elles également au refroidissement?
Pazold, Matthias; Giglmeier, Sabine; Winkler, Matthias; Zhenming, Peng
Journal Article
2021 Zijn bestaande verwarmingsinstallaties ook geschikt voor koeling?
Pazold, Matthias; Giglmeier, Sabine; Winkler, Matthias; Peng, Zhenming
Journal Article
2021 Influence of design properties of printed electronics on their environmental profile
Prenzel, Tobias Manuel; Gehring, Florian; Fuhs, Franziska; Albrecht, Stefan
Journal Article
2021 Development and Mechanical Testing of Porous-Lightweight Geopolymer Mortar
Qadir, Ghulam; Rashid, Yasir; Hassan, Ahmed; Vall, Esmaou Mahmoud; Saleh, Shamsa; Salim, Khadega
Journal Article
2021 BOT: The Building Topology Ontology of the W3C Linked Building Data Group
Rasmussen, Mads Holten; Lefrançois, Maxime; Schneider, Georg Ferdinand; Pauwels, Pieter
Journal Article
2021 A Process-Planning Framework for Sustainable Manufacturing
Reiff, Colin; Buser, Matthias; Betten, Thomas; Onuseit, Volkher; Hoßfeld, Max; Wehner, Daniel; Riedel, Oliver
Journal Article
2021 Energieeffiziente Schulen. Konzept - Umsetzung - Messung - Ergebnis - Kosten
Reiß, Johann; Erhorn, Hans; Illner, Micha; Roser, Annette; Schakib-Ekbatan, Karin; Gruber, Edelgard; Winkler, Manuel; Jensch, Werner
2021 Experimental investigation of dynamic lingual organ pipes with blown open tongue
Rucz, Péter; Angster, Judit; Miklos, András
Journal Article
2021 Simulation of mallet percussion instruments by a coupled modal vibroacoustic finite element model
Rucz, Péter; Ulveczki, Mihály Ádám; Angster, Judit; Miklos, András
Journal Article
2021 The influence of mean flow velocity and direction on the acoustic transmission behavior of right-angled duct bends
Scholl, D.; Ebert, F.; Leistner, P.
Journal Article
2021 Recovery of Raw Materials from Ceramic Waste Materials for the Refractory Industry
Seifert, Severin; Dittrich, Sebastian; Bach, Jürgen
Journal Article
2021 Production of autoclaved aerated concrete with silica raw materials of a higher solubility than quartz part I: Influence of calcined diatomaceous earth
Shams, Taban; Schober, Georg; Heinz, Detlef; Seifert, Severin
Journal Article
2021 Production of autoclaved aerated concrete with silica raw materials of a higher solubility than quartz Part II: Influence of autoclaving temperature
Shams, Taban; Schober, Georg; Heinz, Detlef; Seifert, Severin
Journal Article
2021 Adaptive Hüllen und Strukturen: Aus den Arbeiten des Sonderforschungsbereichs 1244
Sobek, W.; Sawodny, O.; Bischoff, M.; Blandini, L.; Böhm, M.; Haase, W.; Klett, Y.; Mahall, M.; Weidner, S.; Burghardt, T.; Leistner, P.; Maierhofer, M.; Park, S.; Reina, G.; Roth, D.; Tarín, C.
Journal Article
2021 Leaching prediction for vertical test panels coated with plaster and mortars exposed under real conditions by a PHREEQC leaching model
Vega-Garcia, Pablo; Schwerd, Regina; Schwitalla, Christoph; Johann, Sabine; Scherer, C.; Helmreich, Brigitte
Journal Article
2021 New Normal - New Office? Worauf es bei der bauphysikalischen Gestaltung von Arbeitsumgebungen ankommt
Zaglauer, Maria; Gramm, Rafael; Neves Pimenta, Daniel; Martin, Noemi
Journal Article
2021 Predicting the reverberation time in rectangular rooms with non-uniform absorption distribution
Zhou, Xiaoru; Späh, Moritz; Hengst, Klaudius; Zhang, Ting
Journal Article
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