Materials and building materials - resource-efficient, climate-friendly and sustainable

Alternative materials and building products using recycled and renewable raw materials

Thanks to new methods, waste materials that previously had to be disposed of in landfill sites can now be converted into innovative, marketable products. At the same time, a wide range of plant-based raw materials can be used to manufacture building materials. Switching to previously less-used plant species promotes biodiversity and helps mitigate climate change. Through the use of recycled and renewable raw materials, these developments open up completely new possibilities for the manufacturers of building materials.

We help you develop new materials and building products, from the initial idea to proving their functionality in real-life applications. In this way, we increase your ability to innovate without losing sight of the complete value chain.

Our research services at Fraunhofer IBP

  • Analyzing and optimizing the durability of concrete and building materials based on renewable raw materials, damage analyses
  • Developing more climate-friendly building materials, for example on the basis of Cattail (lat. Typha) or through using sustainable, alkali-activated binders and recycled aggregates
  • Determining the possible uses and application limits of such building materials, for example through laboratory tests, hygrothermal simulations, practical tests on our field test site or demo projects in the real laboratory
  • Improving the eco-balance of building materials by supplementing them with CO2-negative additives or low-cement binders
  • Developing processes for desulfating building materials
  • Life cycle assessment of materials for ecodesign, EPD, PEF, PCF and much more
  • Evaluation of ecological drivers of individual process parameters along the process chain
  • Environmental compatibility of materials and building products
  • Development of sustainable sound absorbers for silencers, optimizing room acoustics, etc.
  • Psychoacoustically-determined optimization of sound insulation in timber and lightweight construction
  • Calculation method for assessing all aspects of room acoustics measures and their environmental impact