Highlights from research and development

Selected highlights from research and development


Clean air in quiet rooms - working together to purify air quietly

The risk of becoming infected with Covid is particularly high indoors. Air purifiers are designed to rid the air of its viral load - and thus significantly help to combat the pandemic. The Fraunhofer IBP approaches this issue with the projects "Healthy Air Initiative," "AC/DC," and "Clean Air Acoustics."


Carbon-neutral energy supply for districts and real estate portfolios

Germany aims to become carbon neutral by 2045 - Fraunhofer IBP researchers are developing energy concepts for pilot districts and properties that address the goal of greenhouse gas neutrality.



C² in CO² – Carbonizing calcium for using CO² in industry

Concrete is an indispensable building material and has a low CO2 footprint. However, the huge quantities required make the cement industry one of the largest CO2 emitters. Fraunhofer IBP is helping to identify the potential of concrete and to exploit it sustainably.


Standing up to climate change: different technologies demonstrated in the city of Kochi, India

Climate change is already having a huge impact on the city of Kochi in India. Researchers from the Fraunhofer institutes IBP, IGB, ISE and IAO are testing concrete technologies for adapting to climate change in schools.


Fully recycling concrete and other inorganic composite materials

Recycling inorganic composite materials like concrete has so far only been possible to a limited extent. Researchers at Fraunhofer IBP are conducting research on electrodynamic fragmentation (EDF) with a view to recycling inorganic composite materials.


Do mobile air purifiers in classrooms effectively reduce the risk of infection?

Mobile indoor air purifiers remove infectious aerosols from the air or deactivate the pathogens contained within. Researchers at Fraunhofer IBP were commissioned by industrial partners to find out how well the device actually works in a classroom under real teaching conditions.


Annual Reports from 2007 to 2021

In our archive you will find further highlight topics in the annual reports of past years.

Ausgewählte Highlights aus Forschung und Entwicklung 2020|21


Did you know? Face masks impair speeck intelligibility

These days, face masks are a constant everyday companion. An interdisciplinary team from the Department of Acoustics has studied the effects of masks on our ability to comprehend speech and, thus, on the quality of communication.


Strategies to combat the coronavirus: Retrofit, evaluate, analyze

The risk of contracting the coronavirus indoors or in a bus, train, car, or plane is much higher than outdoors. Fraunhofer IBP's Departement of Energy Efficiency and Indoor Climate is finding ways to reduce the risk of infection by the coronavirus in these areas.



Know-how: expertise for sustainable innovation

WiTra is a knowledge transfer platform that provides the latest research findings for applying sustainability in practice: application-oriented, interactive, and future-oriented for sustainable products and technologies.


C3RRO - Technology spin-off for the next generation of hygrothermal simulation

Finding the answers to issues relating to the heat and moisture balance of building components and buildings by simulation - this is made possible by products from the WUFI® family, which have been developed over the last 25 years in the Department of Hygrothermics.


Processing masonry rubble

Every year, around 60 million tons of building waste is produced in Germany - this corresponds to over 700 kilos of concrete and masonry rubble per capita. To recycle these huge quantities of mineral residue, Fraunhofer IBP is constantly developing new recycling technologies.


How efficiently do air purification technologies eliminate viruses from the air?

Reliably eliminating viruses from the room air - that sounds like a good idea, especially in times of the coronavirus. In the "Fraunhofer vs. Corona" program, Fraunhofer IBP has established practical methods to demonstrate the efficiency of air purification technologies.

Annual Reports from 2007 to 2020

In our archive you will find further highlight topics in the annual reports of past years.