Indoor air quality

Indoor air quality in means of transport and buildings
© Shuttertock / Surachet Jo / Pixel-Shot / emberiza
Many people spend a large part of their time indoors. The prevailing air quality therefore has a significant influence on health and well-being.

Indoor air quality in means of transport and buildings

These days, people often spend more than 80 percent of their time indoors. Interiors include not only rooms in buildings, but also the interior of means of transport. Our trained specialists use the latest measurement methods to assess the quality of all kinds of indoor air (such as the air quality in aircraft, in vehicle interiors and in buildings). The focus is on pollutants and substance classes such as

  • volatile organic compounds (VOC)
  • nanoparticles, fine dust and aerosols (particulate matter - PM)
  • inorganic gases (e.g. ozone, nitrogen oxides NOx, CO and CO2)
  • biological species (e.g. pollen, fungal spores, bacteria, viruses)
  • odorous or odor-active substances

Our services for analyzing the indoor air quality

In addition to on-site measurements, the experts at Fraunhofer IBP have various test facilities at their disposal to recreate realistic scenarios. Our services include:

  • Identification of sources of emissions or odors
  • Recommendations for action to optimize indoor air quality
  • Characterization and optimization of air purification technologies (including filters, inactivating technologies such as UVC or low-temperature plasma)
  • Characterization of air quality sensors (AQ sensors) and optimization of the control of ventilation systems using AQ sensors

Comprehensively optimizing indoor air quality

The quality of the indoor air often interacts with other aspects such as indoor climate, acoustics, and energy efficiency (fresh air vs. recirculated air). Therefore, to ensure the best possible comfort indoors, comprehensive optimization is required, taking all parameters into account.

Fraunhofer IBP can do this for you by bringing together experts from different disciplines. We would welcome the opportunity to work with you to find a solution to your indoor air quality problem. We look forward to hearing from you.



Air quality inside buildings

The quality of indoor air is often blamed for causing health complaints. Assessing the quality of the indoor air is the first step towards identifying potential sources of pollutants. The air samples are analyzed in the laboratory and the results are evaluated.


Vehicle Indoor Air Quality (VIAQ)

Our scientists specialize in analyzing the quality of the air inside vehicles as well as in evaluating the effects of cabin air filters and ventilation settings on this. Get in touch with us, tell us about your problem and, together with you, we will find a suitable solution.


Air quality in aircraft cabins

Our experts carry out tests on the quality of the air inside aircraft cabins. The question of whether cabin air contaminated by fume events affects the health of the flight crew and passengers and how this can be prevented or at least detected in time are among the key topics of our research.