Silence and elegance

© KI generiert mit FhGenie

Silence in ambiance and elegance in design

Silence Architecture utilises the subtle aspects of design to appeal to the senses and create an atmosphere of peace and tranquillity. By considering the acoustic properties of the materials and the space itself, we can create environments that absorb noise and minimise the soundscape. These practices can be applied both indoors and outdoors to create a harmonious and peaceful environment. This technology can also help to reduce the impact of noise in urban environments and create a calming atmosphere.

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Profit from us on:

  • Support on different room typologies: private houses, dormitories, residences, schools, hotel foyers, offices, religious spaces, etc.
  • Screens, furniture and single objects intended for interior use: ISO 20189:2018
  • Loudness assessment for rooms, buildings and urban areas: ISO 532-3:2023
  • Acoustic quality of open office spaces: ISO22955:2021
  • Soundscape assessment: ISO 12913-3:2019
  • Sound absorbers for use in buildings: ISO 11654:1997
  • Preferred acoustic frequencies: ISO 266:1997
  • Acoustic classificiation of dwellings: ISO/TS 19488:2021
  • Influence on level from equipment in buildings: ISO 16032:2004