Das Spektrum der zukunftsorientierten Arbeitsgebiete ist gut ausbalanciert: Die Prozessanalysen, Methodenbeschreibungen und Detailbetrachtungen liefern unterschiedlichen Sparten und Wachstumsmärkten aufschlussreiche Ergebnisse, die interdisziplinär betrachtet werden können.
The “life cycle working environment” method makes it possible to demonstrate societal aspects of raw materials and products along their value-added chains.
Life Cycle Engineering facilitates decision-making in order to set a sustainable course and supports various protagonists from the fields of industry and politics.
Design for the Environment enables environmentally relevant aspects to be integrated into the design and development processes of products and product systems.
Knowledge of material/substance and energy flows in the product life cycle is essential for identifying complex interrelations within the process chains.
ESG and the EU taxonomy are important tools that help to promote a more sustainable and responsible economy and sustainable investments - Sustainable Finance.