Assessing the life cycle and carbon footprint of packaging

Thanks to our extensive experience in preparing life cycle assessments (LCA) and determining carbon footprints (CF) specifically for packaging, we can offer you professional advice on all aspects relating to the life cycle assessment and carbon footprint of your packaging solutions.

The main focus of our work is on:

  • Preparing life cycle assessments (LCA) and determining the carbon footprint (CF) of product packaging, including impact of the recycling ability and the secondary material
  • Automating the LCA/CF of packaging portfolios
  • Life cycle assessments and carbon footprints for packaging (reusable and disposable systems) for transporting fruit and vegetables, other foodstuffs, manufactured goods, etc.
  • Assessing bio-based materials
  • Using innovative materials for packaging
  • Optimizing packaging from an ecological perspective

All our calculations are carried out according to DIN EN ISO 14040/14044 and PEF standards. The data we use is based on many years of research and established LCA databases.

Life cycle assessments and carbon footprints are often complex and call for specialized knowledge, depending on the objective and scope of study. Regardless of whether you are new to the subject of life cycle assessments and carbon footprints or have specific requirements for your LCA/CF calculations, we are at your side as a competent partner.

Please don’t hesitate to contact our experts in the Department of Life Cycle Engineering! We look forward to hearing from you!


PACFAST - calculating packaging LCAs quickly and efficiently

PACFAST (Packaging Carbon Footprint Fast and Standardised) is an application that uses an automatically generated file in CHI-RA containing relevant packaging specifications to calculate the carbon footprint of packaging.


Quick Check Packaging Optimization

How effective a measure will be in reality depends on your company’s individual general conditions. We help you make a quick initial assessment of the potential to reduce the greenhouse gases generated by your packaging, giving you certainty about the direction to take on the road to climate neutrality.