Acoustics for all areas of life

Our experts are specialists when it comes to acoustics in buildings and in means of transport of all kinds, with a clear focus on people in their acoustic environment. Their work encompasses all aspects of health-related sound insulation, acoustic well-being and cognitive performance.

The working group “Building Acoustics” investigates and evaluates the acoustic properties of building components, structures, and buildings. The “Room Acoustics” group researches into the acoustic design of interiors, which is closely connected with psychoacoustics and cognitive ergonomics, with the aim of  developing environments that improve work performance. The group “Noise Control and Vehicle Acoustics” studies and develops building service equipment, machines and systems, as well as the acoustics of means of transport.

With competent employees, excellent laboratory equipment and state-of-the-art measurement and analysis methods, we offer our customers a wide range of services. This includes testing and certification in accredited acoustic laboratories, as well as targeted research and development on acoustic materials, parts, structures and building components.

Overview of expertise


Building Acoustics

Our building acoustics experts deal with noise protection in buildings and sound immission control, applying different acoustic measuring methods to do this.


Digital and sustainable acoustics

We are shaping the acoustics of the future - with innovative digital approaches and an ongoing commitment to sustainability. From developing acoustically effective materials through performing measurements in our test facilities right up to optimizing and evaluating rooms.


Noise Control and Vehicle Acoustics

The group “Noise Control” searches for solutions in the field of acoustic signal propagation, active noise reduction, and innovative silencers. To investigate vehicle acoustics, we have a modern test facility at our disposal, including an all-wheel roller test bench, to measure internal and external noise.


Human-Centered Acoustic Design and User Research

The working group develops solutions which center around people. The focus is on new demands concerning design solutions, product cycles, social change, work-life-balance, well-being, performance and health.


Musical and Photo Acoustics

We provide our extensive knowledge and research and development tools in the field of sound to develop musical instruments in line with innovation and tradition. Our photoacoustic research focuses on the development of photoacoustic gas sensors.