Design Thinking Science - with a focus on people

„Design Thinking Science“-Prozess
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Brainstorming as Part of the Design Thinking Science Process

The art of convincing the user

Would you like to develop new ideas and innovative solutions that center around the user? The “design thinking” approach is particularly suitable for this because it involves the user already during the product development process, and thus generates a significant added value.

In the research area “Design Thinking Science”, our experts on impact research, user testing, and human-centered design combine the core elements of design thinking with good scientific practice. Our goal is to place a greater emphasis on people when developing product solutions and innovations in order to achieve measurable advantages and added value for the user.

Our work includes, for example, user tests in the early stages of development (prototyping), surveys and user studies on (apparently) established solutions in order to further optimize them, and the evaluation of new concepts directly by the user. We not only have a wealth of experience in user testing but also purpose-built laboratory and test equipment.

Our range of services includes planning, conducting and evaluating user tests, as well as helping our customers to integrate test results into their product development process. In this way, we make the added value of the product measurable and comprehensible for the user.


High Performance Center Mass Personalization in Stuttgart

In our High Performance Center Mass Personalization in Stuttgart, you can experience what human-centered design is all about. In cooperation with neighboring Fraunhofer and university institutes, we conduct interdisciplinary research into processes, methods, and procedures for manufacturing user-specific, personalized products for the fields of modular construction and transformable vehicle concepts, as well as consumer products and services.

In collaboration with partners from various branches of industry, we are also investigating the implementation of user models to predict user preferences.


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