Technology development

Plexiglas pane structured by the "hot stamping" process
© Karl Jungbecker GmbH
Future technologies will optimize the use of daylight and artificial light in our surroundings.

Light in tomorrow’s technologies

In this field, researchers of the working group Lighting Technology and Passive Solar Systems are focusing on the development of future technologies for energy-efficient lighting systems with high visual quality. The aim of the development processes is to improve the integration of daylight and artificial light inside buildings. The experience gained over the years enables us to assist customers as well as project partners in launching jointly-developed technologies onto the market.

The main focus of the development work is on:

  • micro-optical structures for façades to direct light, and LED lighting integrated into glass panes,
  • full spectrum LEDs, which offer a spectrum more similar to daylight than conventional LEDs,
  • integrated lighting management solutions that regulate the amount of daylight and artificial lighting according to workplace requirements in order to optimize comfort and energy consumption.


Improved energy efficiency, life cycle balance and overall quality of stay in buildings by using micro-structured optical components to enhance daylight.


Fullspectrum LEDs

Studies on the effect of full spectrum LEDs compared to conventional LEDs carried out in the Fraunhofer IBP HiPIE lab in Stuttgart.



Optimum light for VDU workstations by networking manufacturers of VDUs, luminaires and solar protection systems with HCL Con lighting control.


VR MultiSense

“VR MultiSense” allows people to experience the difference between good and poor thermal comfort, between good and poor acoustic environments, between glare and shade, etc. with all their senses and to understand how they interact with each other. Making complex decisions is much easier when they are based on real experiences.



Micro-optical components for daylight utilization and sun shading can significantly improve energy efficiency, life cycle assessment and quality of life in buildings. A structure for vertical façades has already been pre-developed in dimensions suitable for building applications that directs daylight to areas deep inside a building without glare. This is currently being tested in demonstration buildings. Research is being carried out into new structures for effective sun shading in skylights.


UV virus protection glass

The basic idea of this project was to further develop a glass coated with titanium dioxide (TiO2), which generates reactive oxygen species through a photocatalytic process and thus reduces the viral and bacterial load, into a practically applicable transparent virus protection element. The virus protection glass can improve hygiene at sales counters, in kitchens, in refrigerators as well as in the medical field.