The globalization of the construction industry calls for hygrothermal know-how
Current and future developments in the construction industry are characterized by the growing use of renewable energies and building materials made from renewable raw materials. At the same time, the industry is also becoming increasingly globalized because the focus of new construction activity has long since shifted from industrial nations to threshold countries. This is accompanied by the rising importance of moisture control issues, such as resistance to weathering, aging, hygiene and damage prevention. This presents manufacturers, planners and contractors with new challenges that cannot be mastered without an in-depth understanding of hygrothermal interrelationships.
Against this background, the Fraunhofer IBP not only offers manufacturers and architects support in solving concrete problems, but also passes on scientific findings through seminars, workshops and lectures held around the world. Thanks to our extensive global network, we not only identify new applications for building products but also establish contacts with authorities, testing institutes and companies, as well as decision-makers and multipliers abroad.
Our customers benefit directly from our market implementation experience. We also plough this into our own developments such as the simulation tools of the WUFI® family, as well as other successful product developments.