Vibration analysis by laser scanning vibrometry


© Fraunhofer IBP

Contact-Free Precision: Laser Scanning Vibrometry for Vibration Analysis

Laser scanning vibrometry enables non-contact vibration analysis for a wide variety of objects. Using a customizable measurement grid and automatic scanning, the system captures detailed vibration data, making vibration patterns visible and rendering them as videos. With a frequency range of up to 40 kHz and a broad measurement spectrum, the technique meets even the most complex requirements. It is suitable for analyzing machines, devices, tools, and components, accomodating both structure-borne and airborne sound excitations. With the ability to export data for modal analysis or simulation into external programs makes laser scanning vibrometry a flexible and powerful solution for optimizing vibration behavior and noise emissions.

Our laser scanning vibrometry services provide not only precise measurement data but also customized solutions for your specific requirements. Our analyses help you identify vibration issues early, acoustically optimize your products, thus securing a competitive edge. Rely on the experience and innovative strength of Fraunhofer IBP to deliver products that excel quality and performance.

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Measurements Vibration velocity and displacement, vibration and modal analysis
Measurement object Machinery, equipment, installations, tools, components, panels, shells, etc.

Technical data

Laser Helium-neon laser (λ = 633 nm)
Frequency range 0 to 40 kHz
Measuring range 0.5 μm/s to 2.5 m/s (vibration velocity)

Special features

  • Contact-free measurement of vibrating objects and surfaces
  • Automatic scanning of a free definable point grid on the surface
  • Visualization (graph or film) of vibration modes of the measuring objects
  • Measurement across a very wide frequency range.

More information

  • Location of the areas of maximum vibration under real or ideal excitation conditions, suitable for both structure-borne and airborne sound excitation.
  • Optimization of the vibration characteristics of components
  • Combination with acoustic near-field holography for determination of radiation factor
  • Data export to other software for refined analysis
  • For simple structures, the radiated sound power of the vibrating object can be simulated using the FE model in combination with the measured vibration field data captured by the laser scanning vibrometer.
  • The laser scanning vibrometer is not suitable for measuring strongly curved objects. While the surface does not have to be perfectly flat, highly rounded objects, such as pipes are less ideal. For accurate measurements, the structure should appear relatively flat when observed from a distance.

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