Sound power in a wind tunnel


Close-up turbine wind tunnel
© Fraunhofer IBP
Turbine wind tunnel for generating an air flow around the wind tunnel (close-up).

Acoustic measurement of flow noise

Using our specialized wind tunnel, we can conduct precise analyses of flow noise in accordance with DIN EN ISO 7235. The low-noise air flow allows us to precisely measure the aerodynamic noise generated on surfaces. This helps optimize components for use in ventilation and process air applications. Our tests provide crucial data for improving silencers and other components. We offer comprehensive solutions, particularly in the fields of fluid mechanics and aerodynamics, quality assurance and certification, as well as industrial applications and environmental technology. Our services are designed to optimize products with regard to noise emissions and efficiency. With our outstanding testing facility, we help companies perfect their components in terms of sound attenuation and airflow. We use the latest equipment and maximum precision to ensure that the results meet our high quality standards.

By working with the Fraunhofer IBP Acoustics department, you too can benefit from our leading expertise in wind tunnel testing. We offer you precise noise analyses, thus making your products more competitive. Benefit from our accredited testing facilities to optimize your components in terms of noise protection and (energy) efficiency and stand out from the competition.

How can we help? Find out more about our range of services now or send us an e-mail.

Measurement Sound power, wind and flow noise
Norm Testing facility according to DIN EN ISO 7235, sound power according to DIN EN ISO 3741
Measurement object Façades, façade elements, fans, other components of HVAC systems (filters, heat exchangers, gratings, throttles, etc.)

Technical data

Test duct (L × H) 12.0 × 0.5 m
Width of the test duct 500 to 1300 mm (50 mm steps)
Fan Flow rate ≤ 35 m³/s, pressure difference ≤ 2500 Pa
Max. size of test samples (L × H) 6.000 × 0.498 m

Special feature

Type of test facility Wind tunnel with closed loop ventilation duct


More information

  • Continuously adjustable air flow speed
  • Uniform and noiseless air flow
  • Sound power measurement in the receiving room out of the air flow
  • Stationary measuring system for static and dynamic pressure