Insertion loss, pressure loss, flow noise of silencers and mufflers


Kanal des Schalldämpfer-Prüfstands mit Schallquelle
© Fraunhofer IBP
Kanal des Schalldämpfer-Prüfstands mit Schallquelle aus Sicht des Senderaums.
Measurement Insertion loss, sound power, pressure loss
Standard DIN EN ISO 7235
Measurement object Silencers as splitters, ducted silencers, special construction of silencers, ventilation and air-conditioning components, (filters, heat exchangers, etc.)

Technical data

Test duct (L × H) 12,0 m × 0,5 m
Width of the test duct 500 to 1300 mm (50 mm steps)
Fan Flow rate ≤ 35 m3/s, pressure difference ≤ 2500 Pa
Max. size of test samples (L × H) 6,000 m × 0,498 m

Special feature

Type of test facility Wind tunnel with closed loop ventilation duct


More information

  • Special sound source (loudspeaker wall, 2800 W) for uniform radiation into the test duct
  • Continuously adjustable air flow speed
  • Uniform and noiseless air flow
  • Sound power measurement in the receiving room out of the air flow
  • Stationary measuring system for static and dynamic pressure

More Information