Sustainable acoustic and visual privacy at office workplaces

View into the SynergySpace at Fraunhofer IBP
© Fraunhofer IBP
Sustainable acoustic and visual privacy at office workplaces.

There is a high vacancy rate in today’s office buildings due to people working remotely. This is a major economic and ecological problem: air-conditioned, illuminated office space stands empty while people work from home in less energy-efficient living spaces. For offices to be used, they must offer employees clear benefits. The classic multi-space concept, an open-plan office with various workplace modules, still leaves a lot to be desired, especially when it comes to privacy. This problem is caused by people looking at screens without permission and eavesdropping on conversations, as well as by the lack of places where employees can find a moment to be on their own. In the short term, this results in increased stress levels; in the long term, it has an impact on employees' mental and physical health. However, based on the current state of research and also due to the lack of knowledge transfer from science to planning companies and architects, at present it is not possible to plan more effective and efficient privacy-enhancing measures in new or converted buildings.

Project goals

The project “Sustainable acoustic and visual privacy at office workplaces” aims to minimize this problem. Acoustic and visual privacy are being examined in a study with test subjects as part of a multimodal approach (interaction of the senses), and a corresponding metric is being developed. A large-scale online survey of office employees is being conducted to collect data. On the basis of the project results, it should be possible in the future to integrate targeted measures to increase privacy as early as during the planning phase of a new building or conversion of an existing one. To this end, planners and architects are provided with a digital guide to help them. This will reduce costs and ensure that buildings and office furnishings and equipment are used in a resource-efficient manner, as they will not need to be replaced after a short time. Furthermore, the aim is to use the results in the long term as criteria for certifying buildings.

Improved workplace design and a better working environment not only promote employee health and satisfaction, but also the sustainability of the office space used.