With a view to reaching set climate protection targets, the building industry plays a key role in the energy transition, especially in terms of unlocking efficiency potential and integrating renewable energies in the heating sector. In the EWB research initiative, innovative ideas and concepts are developed and the participation of all parties involved is analyzed.
A crucial contribution to the EWB initiative is made by the Energiewendebauen accompanying scientific research team, which reviews and evaluates the funding initiative’s research and demonstration projects across the board and ensures that the funded projects are networked with each other and that research findings are transferred into practice. With this in mind, not only are numerous publications and evaluations prepared, but also events such as the EWB Congress, project management meetings or workshops with various stakeholders are held. The digital project map developed by the EWB scientific accompanying research team as well as the monitoring database and corresponding guidelines make a further important contribution.
Fraunhofer IBP was and is primarily responsible for the following areas:
Phase 1 (2016 – 2020, FKZ 03ET1388B):
- Cross-evaluations (campus projects, evaluations with primary energy or greenhouse gas emissions)
- Monitoring: Monitoring forum and monitoring guidelines or instructions for action
- Events and publications in cooperation with the project partners
Phase 2 (2020 – ongoing, FKZ 03EWB002B):
- Cross-evaluations (savings potential of building research projects, innovative technologies, operational optimization, load profiles)
- Events and publications in cooperation with the project partners