Acoustically optimized design of fan attachments and casings (ADVentAGe)

Ventilation system with fan
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Automated windows intelligently controlled by microphones enable rooms to be naturally ventilated.

Fans are used in varying sizes and installation conditions depending on demands and the respective application. Growing noise protection requirements for fans with the same or tighter installation space constraints are pushing conventional passive noise control measures to their limits. As a result, fan manufacturers are increasingly seeing more effective and more compact active noise protection measures as an attractive solution. However, the development of active noise control systems involves added costs and a great deal of effort that individual companies cannot shoulder on their own. Due to these hurdles, active noise control measures for fan applications have so far been unable to establish themselves on the market.

Project goals

In the project “Acoustically optimized design of fan attachments and casings (ADVentAGe)”, hybrid active noise control systems are being developed and validated in collaboration with FLT (research association for air and drying technologies), the Fraunhofer Institute for Structural Durability and System Reliability LBF and the Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics IBP. The systems can be integrated into fan casings or typical fan attachments such as inlet nozzles, protective grilles and diffusers in order to significantly reduce acoustic emissions from fans. The aim is to develop scalable, compact solutions that effectively combine the principles of active and passive noise control concepts, thus minimizing additional manufacturing, operating and maintenance costs.

This offers local small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) a technological advantage over international competitors, enabling them to develop and market innovative, better-quality products with lower noise emissions. The establishment of active noise control technologies for fans will also increase the international competitiveness of SMEs manufacturing products that include fans, such as heat pumps. This can significantly strengthen Germany as an innovation center.

Project partners

  • Fraunhofer LBF
  • Forschungsvereinigung für Luft- und Trocknungstechnik (FLT)