Light and radiation testing facility: Multifunctional integrating sphere

Energy Efficiency and Indoor Climate

© Fraunhofer IBP
Measured variables

1. Directional-hemispherical reflective and transmission properties of façade elements and urban surfaces.

2.  Luminous fluxes, light output and operating efficiency of lamps and luminaires.

Standards DIN EN 410, DIN EN 14500, DIN EN 14501, DIN EN ISO 52022-3, DIN EN 13032
Test objects
Slats, different types of glass (e.g. cast glass, glass with multidimensional laser engravings inside), semi-transparent PV modules, urban surfaces, multi-wall sheets, lights, luminous windows

Technical data

Light source
Spotlight array coupled with HMI and halogen spotlight
Sensors Spectroradiometer in a range between 280 nm and 2500 nm
Sphere size Sphere diameter 2 m with two port openings of 600 mm diameter
Sample size (L × W × H)
From 600 mm x 600 mm x 100 mm up to samples with a maximum edge length of 1500 mm, thickness of 250 mm and weight of 300 kg

Special features

Automatic sample positioning Swivel tilt from 0° to 180°, sample rotation from 0° to 360°, slat tilt angle from 0° to 90°
Calibration Sphere factor calibrated with standard lamp


IBP Research News No. 557 (in German)

Y. Fang, M. Würth, J. de Boer
Multifunctional integrating sphere
New light and radiation testing facility