Hearing threshold laboratory


In the hearing threshold laboratory, we conduct precise hearing threshold measurements and hearing tests. This purpose-built laboratory is designed to conduct measurements near the threshold of hearing and to perform comprehensive sound evaluations. The laboratory creates optimal conditions for subject tests in order to accurately evaluate building-physical sounds, product sounds or environmental sounds via headphones. The special design minimizes interference from external noise, ensuring precise and reliable psychoacoustic measurements.

In this room, hearing tests and subject tests can be carried out under controlled conditions. The use of headphones enables the test subjects to experience an isolated acoustic environment. This promotes concentration on the sound to be evaluated, free from external influences. This is particularly important for obtaining an objective evaluation of the quality of the sound or of the effect of sounds.

Experience precise hearing threshold measurements and reliable noise evaluations in our specialized hearing threshold laboratory. Benefit from optimal test conditions for objective acoustic analyses. Feel free to contact us via email for more information.

Measured variables Hearing threshold, sound effect, sound quality (e.g. loudness, annoyance)
Norms DIN EN ISO 8253-1
Methods Surveys, hearing threshold measurements, perception tests


Technical data

Floor space 57 m2
Room volume 160 m3


Special features

Acoustics Room acoustics: Reverberation time according to DIN 18041 A4

Sound systems: binaural recording and playback systems

Ventilation capacity up to 190 m3/h


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