Online workshop / June 17, 2021, 13:00 - 17:00 CET
LEE-BED – One-Stop-Shop for Services and Pilot Line Access within Printed and Embedded Electronics
In this event, we will introduce you to our One-Stop-Shop for Service and Pilot Line Access within Printed and Embedded Electronics. The event will be held using the virtual tools Zoom and Wonder (Worder is a virtual space where you can meet and talk with the different experts). Experts from all over Europe will participate in this event and you will have the opportunity to contact them through virtual space sessions. This One-Stop-Shop can help you and your company to accelerates the development of sensor and electronic component in application such as automotive, IoT, construction and wearable. This helps your company with eliminating barriers to market through a full service establish by the LEE-BED consortium. In this event, guidance will be given on how you and your company can enter the competition on a free Phase 1 service (one of the three LEE-BED industrial phases). This means that you will have the opportunity to get access to all of our assessments, including a technical/economic assessment, life cycle assessment, patent mapping, safety assessment and funding assessment, all free of charge.